Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Transition to Management

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Routine decisions
Management is a complex task. As a Manager, you are continually faced with problems that need solving, and decisions that need to be made.

Making decisions is not easy, but it is a major part of a manager's role. As a new manager, you may be worried about making wrong decision, but making no decision at all is rarely a satisfactory option. Employees expect good leadership and sound decisions from their managers. Failure to deliver these will result in frustrated and disillusioned staff members.

Decision-making is about choosing between alternative possible courses of action. Routine decisions, for example what call to make next - usually do not require a lot of thought or planning. But more complex decisions which involve several people, and which may have far-reaching consequences, are better made when they are informed and considered

Before you can even begin to make decision, it is crucial that you identify exactly what the problem is. Once you have done this, you can determine what you expect your decision to achieve. This will enable you to ensure that all of the necessary factors are considered before you reach a final decisions, and take action

Structured Decision-making approach
  • Step 1: Gather Information
  • Step 2: Consider the Options
  • Step 3: Make Choice
  • Step 4: Implement the Decision
  • Step 5: Monitor Success

As a new manager, you will find it easier, and more effective to use a structured approach when making decisions. Once you become more comfortable with your role, you may be able to adapt your approach